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National Parks X Levi's 
Digital Interactive Ad Campaign - SMAD342


The Ask


Create digital interactive advertisements on four different social media platforms, in the form of content marketing, to increase visitors and promote the National Parks Service to baby boomers. Choose a brand for the NPS to collaborate with.

The Challenge

Baby boomers enjoy going outdoors and traveling, but not always far. We need to convince our target that the national parks are worth exploring, and advertise on platforms that boomers know best.

The Solution

"Years behind us. Life ahead." Collaborate with Levi's Jeans and specifically promote the Joshua Tree National Park as the perfect destination for baby boomers to go "back to the basics" and harness a youthful spirit. 


Facebook ad
Facebook ad
Facebook ad
Facebook ad

"Back to the Basics."

Levi's is the perfect brand to collaborate with because boomers are familiar with it from their youth, and the brand values authenticity and adventuring, hence its slogan "Live in Levi's." 

The pocket design contest facilitates user engagement and interaction, and the ads prompt users to learn more about the contest and explore what Joshua Tree has to offer.  




Instagram ad
Instagram ad


Twitter ad
Twitter ad

"Years Behind Us.
Life Ahead."

The ads and headline provoke feelings of youthfulness and nostalgia, while promoting Joshua Tree and Levi's Jeans. It also encourages users to view the contest details on the Facebook page.

smad 342 twitter ad rough 1-2 copy.png
smad 342 twitter ad rough 1.png
smad342 twitter ad 2-2.jpg
smad342 twitter ad 2-1.jpg


Pinterest ad
Pinterest ad
Pinterest ad
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